Fysioterapian ja fysioterapeutin eurooppalaiset määritelmäluonnokset

Euroopan komission tavoitteena on helpottaa koulutuksen ja työelämän välistä ammattien määrittelyn moninaisuutta ESCO-prosessin avulla (ESCO = European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations). Fysioterapeuttien Euroopan järjestö WCPT-ER on määritellyt em. prosessiin liittyen käsitteet fysioterapia ja fysioterapeutti. Kuvaukset on laadittu myös asiantuntijafysioterapeutille (advanced physiotherapist) sekä fysioterapia-apulaiselle (physiotherapist assistant), joka vastaa suomalaisesta koulutusjärjestelmästä poistunutta kuntohoitajaa. Fysioterapia-apulaisen määrittelyssä korostuu hänen työskentelynsä fysioterapeutin alaisuudessa tai ohjauksessa. Asiantuntijafysioterapeutin määrittelyssä korostuu puolestaan strategisten päätösten tekeminen monimutkaisissa, haastavissa ja yllättävissä tilanteissa. Määritelmät ovat luonnoksia ja toistaikseksi julkaisemattomia.


Physiotherapy is the health profession with expertise in movement and exercise prescription throughout the lifespan across the health spectrum. Physiotherapy involves specific interventions to individuals and populations where movement and function are, or may be, threatened by illness, ageing, injury, pain, disability, disease, disorder or environmental factors. Such interventions are designed and prescribed to develop, restore and maintain optimal health.

Physiotherapy is integral to all spheres of health and well-being such as promotion, prevention, habilitation and rehabilitation and encompasses physical, psychological, emotional and social factors. Physiotherapy involves the interaction of the physiotherapist with the client including his/her family, care givers and relevant other health professionals and communities

Physiotherapist Assistant - Physiotherapist assistants work under supervision, within defined contexts using agreed treatment protocols and procedures such as collecting client data and maintaining the equipment required in physiotherapy interventions. The overall responsibility is retained by the delegating professional.

Physiotherapists are autonomous health professionals who are responsible for developing, maintaining or restoring motor function and movement throughout the lifespan using evidence-based practice. They relieve pain and treat or prevent physical conditions associated with injury, disease or other impairments. Physiotherapists empower patients and their carers to manage the condition outside clinical settings. They work within their scope of practice and their professional Code of Conduct.

Advanced Physiotherapist - Advanced physiotherapists are highly specialist. They make complex decisions and manage risks in unpredictable contexts and within a defined area. They may focus on a specific area of clinical practice, education, research or professional management.